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Shipment Certificate of Conformity (SCoC)
What is the Shipment Certificate of Conformity (SCoC)?
The Shipment Certificate of Conformity(SCoC) is a certificate applied by the Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization (SASO) on each imported shipment to Saudi Arabia. It is required for products whether it is regulated or non regulated in order to be cleared at the customs ports.
The SCoC is issued for product bulk in order to be identified (serial number/batch number/production date). This confirms that it conforms to the relevant standards, and technical regulations.
SCoC Issuance
The SCoC is issued electronically via Saber platform.
To obtain the SCoC for a regulated product, the Product Certificate of Conformity (PCOC) should be issued first according to the technical regulations.
The certificate is valid for a specific shipment.
It is the responsibility of the importer to initiate a request to obtain the SCoC.
Adding the Barcode on the SCoC has been required since January 1st, 2020.
SCoC Issuance
Verify the required documents.
Shipment inspection in the country of origin (if required).
Product sampling and testing through an accredited laboratory from SASO.
Factory audits.
Obtain the Product Certificate of Conformity (PCoC), if required, according to the relative technical regulations.
Registration Process
Submit a new SCoC application for each shipment on Saber.
Choose the product category.
Add the required invoices.
Add the required data of the product.
Determine the quantity and value of the product in the invoice, and choose the shipping country.
Submit the request.
The Purpose of the SCoC
Since SASO has launched the Saudi Product Safety Program (SALEEM) to achieve the kingdom objectives regarding raising the level of product safety and quality, Saber electronic platform became an important tool to ensure the conformity of imported goods.
Accordingly, a new conformity assessment program was designed based on a two-stage process with a separate certificate for each of them as follows:
  • Stage 1: Product Certification of Conformity (PCoC).
  • Stage 2: Shipment Certification of Conformity (SCoC).
The Scope of the SCoC
As a part of SALEEM program SASO has established 3 types of products based on the risk level:
    • Low-risk products

Products within this type are not regulated products as they are not subject to any SASO technical regulation. They don’t require a Product Certification of Conformity (PCoC). They only require the exporter to issue a Declaration of Conformity, and a Shipment Certification of Conformity (SCoC) to clear the shipment at the customs ports.

    • Medium-risk products

Products within this type are regulated products as they are covered by a SASO technical regulation. They require a Certification of Conformity (PCoC), which must be renewed every year, and a Shipment Certification of Conformity (SCoC) for every shipment to complete the clearance process.

    • High-risk products

This type is similar to the Medium-risk. The products are regulated and require SCoC,  but they may require additional certificates or labels such as: G- Mark, Energy Efficiency label, Water Efficiency Label, SASO IECEE Recognition Certificate, or Saudi Quality Mark, etc..

The Difference Between PCoC and SCoC
The Products Certificate of conformity (PCoC) is issued through conformity assessment bodies approved by SASO. It ensures the conformity of the product to the relevant technical regulations and SASO standards. It expires after a year from the issuance date.
The Shipment Certificate of Conformity (SCoC) is issued for each imported shipment to the kingdom. It must include specific information, such as bill information, and the number of products. Once the shipment is cleared it expires.
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