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What do you know about (SASO)?

The Saudi Organization for Standardization, Metrology and Quality (SASO) was established by Royal Decree as a body with a legal personality and an independent budget, with a board of directors chaired by the Minister of Trade and Investment, and including representatives of the main parties involved in standardization in the Kingdom, and its aim was to achieve regional leadership and scientific reference in the areas of standardization and evaluation of conformity and upgrading the specifications and quality of products and services to enhance consumer protection and competitiveness of the Saudi national economy. In 2018, SASO established a center for monitoring and warning about unsafe consumer products, through a specialized electronic platform, which enables all government agencies to exchange communications.
SASO Goals
- Ensuring consumer safety by preparing and adopting appropriate standards for goods and services.
- Advancing and developing the national economy by applying the appropriate Saudi standards on goods and products and providing services to improve the competitiveness of national products.
- Adjusting the tools of measurement and calibration processes in the Kingdom to coincide with international standards and standards.
- Spreading a culture of quality in all public and private industrial and service activities, and raising awareness of the benefits of adopting its standards.
SASO Mission
- Setting and approving the Saudi standard specifications for goods, products, services, measuring and calibration devices, determining sampling methods, test methods, technical inspection, quality systems and defining the foundations and conditions for technical implementation, classifications, engineering drawings, terms, definitions, symbols, and other things issued by the council in the field of specifications, standards, calibration and quality, except for food and pharmaceutical products .
- Issuing regulations for conformity assessment procedures for goods, products and services according to the standard specifications and technical regulations approved.
- Issuing and implementing regulations for licensing procedures for the quality mark of local and imported products complying with Saudi standards and granting the right to use it.
- Issuing and implementing regulations for the procedures for granting certificates of conformity, environmental and safety systems and other regulations approved by the Authority’s Board of Directors.
- Spreading the necessary awareness of standard and quality specifications, conformity assessment, compliance requirements, measurement and calibration procedures, and preparing, developing and implementing training programs related to the Authority’s work and activities.
- Ensuring the implementation of the Saudi mandatory standards (technical regulations) and the conformity assessment procedures regulations that they adopt in coordination with the relevant agencies.
- Granting conformity certificates according to the approved standard specifications for local products for exported and imported products.
- Carrying out all accreditation work, such as accreditation of certification, inspection, and auditing bodies for quality systems.
- Establishing an information base in the Authority’s fields of work, and exchanging information with local, regional and international bodies.
- Conducting research and studies, providing advisory services related to its work and activities, and cooperating with companies, bodies, universities, scientific research centers, and other entities that conduct similar businesses to the Authority’s work.
- Reviewing the regulatory systems and regulations related to the Authority’s work areas, developing them, and proposing the necessary amendments to them in order to keep pace with quality and safety requirements, and referring them to the competent authorities, for study and issuance in accordance with the regular methods.
SASO Sectors
- Specifications.
- Measurement and Calibration.
- Quality.
- Granting Certificates.
- Conformity.
- Laboratories.
SASO Activities and Memberships
- Member of the Gulf Standardization Organization GSO.
- Member of the Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization AIDMO.
- Member of the International Organization for Standardization ISO.
- Member of the International Organization for Legal Metrology (Organisation Internationale de Métrologie Légale – OIML).
- Member of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
Tabseer receives requests from various factories, companies, and all concerned parties from all over the world, such as the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council – that includes the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Sultanate of Oman, the United Arab Emirates, the State of Kuwait, the State of Qatar and the Kingdom of Bahrain – as well as India and other European countries, in order to help its clients obtain the required certificates, from preparing and reviewing the technical file, testing and conformity assessment until the issuance of the certificate, all with its proven expertise in Saudi customs, SASO programs, international regulations, compliance requirements, quality marks, conformity certificates and shipment certificates.