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FAQ Browse through these FAQs to find answers to commonly raised questions FAQ
What does SASO stand for?

SASO stands for the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization, the government body responsible for regulating and supervising standardization, metrology, and quality activities related to all products prepared for sale in the Saudi Kingdom.


What is Saber?

Saber is an electronic platform established by SASO to allow Saudi manufacturers and importers online access to conformity services and certificates.


What is Saber registration?

All Saudi importers and manufacturers are obliged to register their products on Saber so that they can apply for the required conformity certificates. In order to register a product, the applicant must create an account on Saber to be able to add products.


What is the Saudi quality Mark?

The Saudi Quality Mark (SQM) is a conformity certificate granted by SASO for the facilities that have an effective quality management system that ensures producing products conform to the relevant technical regulations and meet the granting requirements. It is valid for three years.


Why is The Saudi Quality Mark important?

The Saudi Quality Mark, in addition to being mandatory for a number of products, contributes to gaining consumer trust and raising the sales of the product bearing it as it works as a guide for high-quality and safe products.


How to get an SQM Certificate in Saudi Arabia?

To apply for the SQM, the applicant must initiate a request on jeem 1 electronic portal and add all the required documents and data. The request is reviewed by SASO and the product conformity is assessed by a notified body. SASO grants the mark if the product is proven to meet all the requirements.


What is the meaning of the CoC?

The CoC stands for Certificate of Conformity which is a program of product conformity implemented by SASO to ensure that the products prepared for sale in the Saudi market conform to the relevant standards and technical regulations.


What is the Saudi PCoC?

The Saudi Product Certificate of Conformity (PCoC) is a mandatory certificate applied to all regulated products intended for sale in the kingdom either locally manufactured or imported. It can be issued exclusively via Saber Electronic Platform and valid for one year from the issuance date.


Who provides the Product Certificate of Conformity?

The Product Certificate of Conformity is issued by a third party (Conformity Body approved by SASO). All approved conformity bodies are enlisted on Saber and categorized according to the regions.


What is the Shipment Certificate of Conformity?

The Shipment Certificate of Conformity (SCoC) is issued via Saber Electronic Platform for each imported specific quantity of products. It can be issued only after issuing the Product Certificate of Conformity if the product is regulated and after issuing the Self-Declaration of Conformity if the product is non-regulated. The SCoC is mandatory to clear products at the Saudi customs ports.


How to issue a shipment Certificate via saber?

To issue a Shipment Certificate of Conformity you have to log in to your account on Saber and initiate a new shipment request then all your products eligible to obtain the SCoC will be displayed where you can request the certificate.


How to find the Saudi HS code?

The Saudi Harmonized System (HS Code) for products can be obtained through the Hs Code definition service allowed on Saber Electronic Platform or through the e-service that the Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority allows.


What is the G Mark?

The Gulf Conformity Mark (G Mark) is a conformity certificate owned by the GCC Standardization Organization (GSO). It is applied to low voltage electrical equipment and children toys prepared for sale in the Gulf Cooperation Council states to ensure their compliance with the Gulf technical regulations.


What is the GCTS?

The GSO Conformity Tracking Symbol (GCTS) is a system used by the GSO authorities to track and validate the product certificates at the first customs port in the GCC common market


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