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OXO – Biodegradable plastic logo

What is the logo of OXO- biodegradable plastic?

The OXO-biodegradable plastic logo is the property of the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization. This logo is a mandatory requirement for biodegradable plastic products to display their compliance with the technical regulations. The Authority provides a license for using the OXO-biodegradable plastic logo to all plastic products both imported and locally manufactured within the Kingdom, which are intended to be traded in the Saudi market.
This service allows the applicant to obtain a logo for biodegradable plastic by the technical regulations for OXO-biodegradable plastic. This service aims to preserve the environment and the safety of the consumer and all living creatures. It also has a role in facilitating market survey procedures
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Apply now. If you have any questions or inquiries, Tabseer team will help you via all our communication channels, anytime and from all over the world.
The Technical Regulation
for OXO-Biodegradable Products
This regulation pertains to all polypropylene and polyethylene plastic products that are typically used for short periods and then disposed of, within the thickness limits specified by the approved standard specifications (≤ 250 microns). This regulation mandates that these products must be capable of being degraded through oxidative degradation (OXO) and then biodegraded. However, this rule does not apply to plastic products used in the medical and food industries.
Steps to obtain
license to use the OXO- biodegradable plastic logo
Log in to the (G1) platform
Submit a request for the license.
Attach a copy of a valid commercial or industrial license.
Fill out the forms approved by the Authority for the product.
Attach the technical file, including the test reports from a registered laboratory proving the product’s compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations for plastic products. The report should include the following:
  • non-biodegradation test report
  • Test report containing the results of the chemical analysis of the remaining material and the undecomposed portion
  • Final aerobic biodegradation test report
The Authority will send the application to an authorized party, such as Tabseer, to study the application.
Tabseer is an official Accredited Body, uthorized by the Authority, conducts the technical study and reviews all papers and documents related to the product.
After conducting the technical study and ensuring that all necessary documents are completed, the Authority grants a license to use the (OXO) logo for the product.
Tabseer’s role in awarding
the license for using the OXO-Biodegradable Plastic Logo
Tabseer is an official Accredited Body through the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization, conducts a technical study and audits the facility, including the production lines, to ensure that the products meet all requirements and conditions per the granting procedures and the technical regulations for granting a license to use the OXO- biodegradable plastic logo for products manufactured in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa so that it can be easily traded within the markets of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Obligated Products of having a logo on biodegradable plastic

(Polyethylene and polypropylene)
Tablecloths made of polyethylene or polypropylene
All single-use plastic bags, including shopping bags and trash bags.
Bags used to package all bakery and confectionery products.

The non-obligated products to have a biodegradable plastic

(polyethylene and polypropylene) logo, but can apply for one
  • Mailing bags
  • Safety bags and postal parcels
  • Magazine and newspaper bags
  • Plastic bags used in soil treatment and for agricultural and horticultural uses, such as banana bags or planted soil covers
  • Bubble wrap used for shock protection
  • Plastic wrappers used to wrap flowers
  • Plastic wrappers used for secondary packaging
  • Plastic stretchable packaging films (rolls).
  • Adhesive plastic packaging films (rolls).
  • Plastic liners used to line cardboard boxes
  • Polyethylene tablecloths
  • Personal care products made from plastics such as gloves, shoe covers, and any products made from plastics intended for personal care and used once.
  • Bags used to package all bakery and confectionery products
  • Plastic bags for seedlings
  • Heat shrinks plastic films (rolls).
  • All single-use plastic bags, including shopping bags, garbage bags, garment bags, and single-use cutlery such as plates, spoons and cups that are less than 250 microns thick.

Conditions for installing

an OXO- biodegradable plastic logo

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The logo should only be placed on licensed products and be visible at the bottom
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For bags, it should be affixed to both sides and should occupy at least 10% to 15% of the total area on each side
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For small products, the logo can be placed on the packaging only after obtaining approval from the authority
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The supplier can use the logo to demonstrate that their products are licensed and monitored by the authority.
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The logo or license should be used only for licensed products.
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The supplier is prohibited from using the logo or license misleadingly, falsely or in any other way that regulatory authorities may consider misleading.
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It is mandatory to put the logo on the packaging and all packaging materials of licensed products.

Validity of OXO- biodegradable plastic logo

The validity period of the license to use the logo for the product is only one year, subject to renewal, provided that the supplier submits a request to renew it at least one month before its expiration date.

Ready to get started?
Apply now
Apply now. If you have any questions or inquiries, Tabseer team will help you via all our communication channels, anytime and from all over the world.