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Non regulated Self Declaration

What is the Self Declaration?
It is a declaration from the merchant to state that the product is conformed to the legislation requirements. It is applied to the non-regulated products that are locally manufactured or imported for sale in the kingdom market.
The Self Declaration certificate is issued electronically via Saber Platform. This enables all importers and manufacturers to register for obtaining the certificate easily and quickly. It saves time and effort when importing or placing the products in the Saudi market.
Self Declaration Enforcement
On January 1st, 2021 the Saudi Standards Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) announced that all non-regulated products must be registered to obtain the Self Declaration certificate and the Shipment Certificate of Conformity (SCoC) in addition if the non-regulated products are imported.
SASO argued the merchant for requesting the Self Declaration certificate and the SCoC to avoid any delays while clearing the products at customs ports or withdraw the samples in local laboratories.
Self Declaration Certificate
Registration Process
Login to Saber electronic Platform.
Select Self Declaration Issuance.
Select the product.
Add the model’s number.
Request the Self Declaration certificate.
The Purpose of the Self Declaration
Applying the Self Declaration to non-regulated products is a part of SASO efforts to ensure the quality and safety of the products placed in the Saudi market as well as their conformity to the Saudi standards. In addition, it controls any products that could affect the Saudi consumer’s safety or health.
What Are the Non-Regulated Products That Require the Self Declaration?
The product is defined as non-regulated if it is not subject to any technical regulations and doesn’t require any certificate of conformity. In this case, it will only require a Self Declaration if it is locally manufactured, but both the Self Declaration and SCoC if imported.
Tabseer is your partner to access the Saudi market. We have a team of professional experts that will help you obtain all the certificates required to place your products in the Kingdom’s market.
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Apply now. If you have any questions or inquiries, Tabseer team will help you via all our communication channels, anytime and from all over the world.